Community Manager & Writer

Lowongan Kerja Posisi Community Manager & Writer di PT Computesta Digital Indonesia


We are seeking a Community Manager and Writer to work with our PC Hardware brand/client. The ideal candidate will be responsible for creating articles and maintaining positive relationships with the community and users on social media.

Job Description:

  • Develop and maintain good communication across social media and blog platforms with users and the community.
  • Monitor user and community communication on social media, blog, and community groups.
  • Respond to user inquiries on social media and the blog.
  • Compile reports or updates about user community issues.
  • Write articles, newsletters, and forum posts.
  • Utilize SEO strategies to maximize online visibility of articles in search results.
  • Generate article ideas based on SEO keyword research, competitor benchmarking, and user feedback.
  • Collaborate with the social media team to stay informed of new directions and product information.


  • Excellent writing skills.
  • Ability to work within tight deadlines.
  • Creative, persistent, and outgoing personality with a desire to learn.
  • Proactive, positive, and open-minded, able to work independently.
  • Excellent communication, negotiation, and reporting skills.
  • Strong technical and social understanding of the internet.
  • Knowledge of hardware, computer troubleshooting, and gaming accessories is mandatory.
  • Understanding of the gaming and e-sports industry.
  • Passionate about technology, computer hardware, and gaming/e-sports.
  • Willing to work in Meruya, West Jakarta.

Informasi Tambahan Lowongan Kerja

Tingkat Pekerjaan : Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)
Kualifikasi : SMA, SMU/SMK/STM, Sertifikat Professional, D3 (Diploma), D4 (Diploma), Sarjana (S1)
Pengalaman Kerja : 1 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan : Penuh Waktu
Spesialisasi Pekerjaan : Lainnya, Jurnalis/Editor / 514, 104

Informasi perusahaan Pemberi Kerja, PT Computesta Digital Indonesia

Computesta adalah perusahaan dengan fokus utama di bidang Internet yang telah beroperasi semenjak tahun 2009. Bisnis kami meliputi pengembangan Web, pembuatan sistem berbasis Web untuk perusahaan serta digital marketing. Selain itu kami juga memberikan layanan maintenance dan perenovasian Web.

Informasi Tambahan Perusahaan PT Computesta Digital Indonesia

Ukuran Perusahaan : 1- 50 pekerja
Waktu Proses Lamaran : 7 hari
Industri : Komputer/Teknik Informatika (Perangkat Lunak)
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain : Tunjangan Pendidikan, Parkir, Waktu regular, Senin – Jumat, Kasual (contoh: Kaos)
Lokasi : Jakarta Barat

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