Operator Produksi

Lowongan Kerja Posisi Operator Produksi di APICAL Group


  • Melakukan pemeliharaan terjadwal dan perbaikan pada peralatan manufaktur.
  • Mengidentifikasi dan memelihara setiap komponen.
  • Menjaga kebersihan, kerapihan serta memelihara lingkungan kerja.
  • Membuat laporan harian, mingguan & bulanan.
  • Mengecek dan mengawasi proses pengisian dan pengurasan Tanki Minyak Sawit.
  • Melakukan Sounding dengan team.
  • Mengoperasikan Tanki penampungan Minyak Sawit.


  • Pendidikan maksimum SMK/D3 Teknik Mesin, Elektrik, Industri, Kimia.
  • Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman di bagian DCS
  • Memiliki kemampuan di bidang Chemist
  • Memiliki pengalaman di bidang Oleo Chemical
  • Melakukan sounding dan cek stock barang / minyak sawit.
  • Bertanggung jawab atas segala data penerimaan dan pengeluaran minyak sawit / produk.
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik.
  • Menguasai penggunaan alat ukur.
  • Memiliki motivasi diri, mandiri, dan proaktif.
  • Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan multi tasking.
  • Mau bekerja dalam sistem shifting (Pagi, Siang & Malam).
  • Mau bekerja di KBN-Marunda, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara.

Informasi Tambahan Lowongan Kerja

Tingkat Pekerjaan : Lulusan baru/Pengalaman kerja kurang dari 1 tahun
Kualifikasi : SMA, SMU/SMK/STM, Sertifikat Professional, D3 (Diploma), D4 (Diploma)
Pengalaman Kerja : 1 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan : Kontrak
Spesialisasi Pekerjaan : Manufaktur, Manufaktur / 510, 194

Informasi perusahaan Pemberi Kerja, APICAL Group

Apical Group is aware of a scam that involves online platforms impersonating the company and are defrauding jobseekers by soliciting payments.

Apical Group and its business units have no association with these platforms. We do not solicit, collect or receive any payments at any stage of our recruitment process. We will also not hesitate to pursue legal action against anyone who uses and infringes our intellectual property.

We have reported the matter to the Indonesian Police. We urge all jobseekers who have made payments to such entities to immediately make a police report.

We advise members of the public to be vigilant of the methods used to defraud jobseekers, as follows:

  • Unauthorized use of Apical’s trademark and content.
  • A two-day recruitment drive that has tests, interviews, selection process and offers.
  • As part of this process, jobseekers were asked to book transportation and accommodation via a travel agent and were promised reimbursement.
  • An address that resembles the address of our operations.

Apical Group and its business units officially publish our job vacancies on https://averis.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/RGE. For further enquiries, you may also contact us at our official website at https://www.apicalgroup.com/contact-us/.


Apical Group is a leading vegetable oils processor with an expanding global footprint. Our vertically integrated mid-stream refining and value-added downstream processing make us an integral supplier that supports the food, feed and fuel needs across industries. 

To date, with integrated assets in strategic locations spanning Indonesia, China and Spain, Apical has 21 processing facilities worldwide: 8 refineries, 4 biodiesel plants, 3 kernel crushing plants and 4 oleochemical plants; with an overall capacity of 10.3 million metric tonnes (MT) per annum.

Through joint ventures, Apical also has processing and distribution operations in Brazil, Dubai, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, USA and Vietnam. All of Apical’s refineries use state-of-the-art technologies, reflecting the company’s commitment to developing world-leading facilities and products.

Apical’s growth is built on the foundations of sustainability and transparency, and motivated by our strong belief that we can make a more meaningful impact. Apical’s business model is built on four core strengths:

  • Having a reliable, traceable, and broad Crude Palm Oil (CPO) sourcing network in Indonesia;
  • Integrating primary and secondary refinery assets that are efficient and strategically located in Indonesia, China and Spain;
  • Managing efficient logistics channels to deliver quality products to a well-diversified clientele; and
  • Driving sustainability throughout business operations; including risk based assessment for supply bases, mapping and a prioritization approach to sieve out any illegal sources, and engaging suppliers proactively for capacity building and progressive transformation in our supply chain.

Apical is managed by RGE Pte Ltd, founded by Sukanto Tanoto, which also manages other world-class resource-based manufacturing companies, delivering quality end-products to businesses and millions of people around the world.

Apical is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification. Apical only sources from transparent and traceable supply networks. It requires its suppliers, including smallholders, to adopt best practices in sustainability. It also monitors its networks to ensure compliance, provides better market access for products and helps improve community infrastructure.

Informasi Tambahan Perusahaan APICAL Group

Ukuran Perusahaan : 2001 – 5000 pekerja
Waktu Proses Lamaran : 22 hari
Industri : Manufaktur/Produksi
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain : Asuransi Gigi, Tip, Asuransi kesehatan, Parkir, Penglihatan, Uniform
Lokasi : Jakarta Utara

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