Syarat – Syarat Melamar Kerja di Posisi Project Contract Administration – EPC (B-90191) di Perusahaan PT RGF Human Resources Agent Indonesia
Batasan Usia Pelamar
{antara|minimal} 35 tahun {s.d.|maksimal} 45 tahun.
Syarat Jenis Kelamin Pelamar
Pria dan wanita bisa melamar, Tidak ada syarat harus pria atau harus wanita
- Hold min. Bachelor’s from accredited college or university in relevant discipline.
- Has 5+ years experience as Contract Administrator in EPC projects (including 3-5 years experience in Wastewater Treatment Plant projects).
- Fluent business level of verbal and written communication skills in English.
- Extensive knowledge of FIDIC, international tenders and Indonesian laws.
- Strong drafting skills of contractual claim notices and letters in English.
- Familiarity with Microsoft Office software.
- Ability to effectively interact with others and work independently.
- Knowledge of major aspects of engineering, procurement, construction, project controls and financials.
- Strong personality, positive attitude and ability to work efficiently under pressure and tight deadlines.
- Preferably has working experience in Japanese company
[Only CV in English will be processed]
Pengalaman Kerja minimal 60
Tanggung Jawab
- Analyzing contract and subcontracts and identifying risks and opportunities associated with them.
- Advising Project Manager/ Deputy Project Manager of the project on all aspects of deviations between contract and subcontract conditions and actual executions.
- Developing claim strategies collaboratively with the project team.
- Drafting contract and subcontract documents, notices, or claim letters with accurate references to the contract and subcontracts clauses, and monitoring the submission schedules according to the contract time bar.
- Assisting Admin & Finance Manager throughout insurance claim process for recovering a damage falling under the policy.
- Ensuring that contractual documents are recorded physically and digitally.
- Liaising with management level of the project team and negotiating with client, consultant, other partners and subcontractors under contractual conditions including claims and variation.
- Managing invoices and change control including developing the procedures.
- Supporting Project Manager/ Deputy Project Managers for meetings with stakeholders and preparing minutes of meetings.
- Compiling progress monthly reports and presentation slides for internal and/ or external use.
- Other related tasks as assigned.
IDR 16.000.000 – 22.000.000
{Company Profile|Profil Perusahaan} PT RGF Human Resources Agent Indonesia
Perusahaan PT RGF Human Resources Agent Indonesia memiliki pekerja dengan jumlah pekerja, Gaji untuk pekerja baru saat ini adalah sekitar 16 sampai 22 juta. Perusahaan yang terletak di Prov. DKI-Jakarta ini terus berkembang dan mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dan menjadi keluarga besar Perusahaan ini.
Kategori Perusahaan ini adalah :
Billing Company Name : PT RGF Human Resources Agent Indonesia
Billing Company Address :
Alamat Perusahaan PT RGF Human Resources Agent Indonesia
Telepon : 02183782866
Fax :
Email :
Website :
Jika Anda merasa memenuhi syarat dan Gaji yang ditawarkan yaitu IDR 16.000.000 – 22.000.000 cocok buat Anda, segera kirimkan lamaran ke e-mail dengan Surat Lamaran yang baik dan CV yang lengkap sebelum penawaran di tutup pada 2023-04-30.
Kami menghimbau agar Anda tidak membayar apapun pada perusahaan atau individu tertentu saat melamar kerja sebagai pelicin agar diterima. Karena hal tersebut lebih rentan merugikan Anda.
Saat Postingan ini saya tulis sudah ada setidaknya 1 Lamaran yang masuk, artinya minimal ada 1 saingan yang memperebutkan posisi ini, persiapkan diri Anda dengan membuat CV yang baik dan berdoa yang khusuk kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa agar Anda yang diterima.