Relawan Mengajar di Center Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Posisi Relawan Mengajar di Center Indonesia di International Humanity Foundation Bali Center ( IHF )


Relawan Guru di Center Indonesia

GURU TATAP MUKA, dibutuhkan pengajar dan teman belajar untuk remaja dan anak-anak area Medan, Jakarta, dan Bali. 

Pengajar dibutuhkan untuk mengajarkan matematika, bahasa Inggris, dan komputer secara tatap muka. Orang dewasa di usia paruh baya maupun pensiunan juga dibutuhkan sebagai pengajar anak-anak dan remaja yang butuh teman belajar.

Siapakah IHF?

International Humanity Foundation (IHF) adalah organisasi non-profit internasional, yang didirikan pada tahun 2001. Selama 20 tahun kami telah menjalankan dua misi dengan sukses: 

  1. Mengedukasi anak-anak daerah terpencil-mendorong potensi terbaik mereka, sembari belajar dan mengembangkan komunitas di sekitar mereka. IHF percaya kebahagiaan anak-anak di dunia lebih penting daripada perbedaan politik dan agama; dan menyamaratakan kualitas kebahagiaan di dunia ini esok hari. 

  2. Mengedukasi warga dunia melalui komunikasi dan pengalaman hidup secara langsung  (daring dan tatap muka), tentang realita dari daerah yang terpinggirkan tetapi mengagumkan; sembari mengajarkan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan, dan memberikan suara pada mereka yang kurang beruntung. 

IHF bertujuan untuk memberikan anak-anak dan orang dewasa (dari usia muda hingga pensiun) wadah untuk belajar dan mempraktekkan kemampuan kepemimpinan. 

IHF adalah organisasi yang unik. IHF percaya pada transparansi absolut dan kekuatan dari ratusan relawan tak dibayar dari seluruh dunia. Relawan kami yang hebat memberikan waktu, kemampuan, energi, dan cinta mereka. 

Manfaat menjadi relawan IHF;

Tak hanya membuat perubahan dalam hidup anak-anak, anda akan mendapat kesempatan untuk berjejaring dengan relawan global IHF dari seluruh dunia dan memperkaya CV dengan pengalaman praktik bekerja di dalam organisasi internasional yang bersentuhan dengan banyak budaya dan norma.


IHF mencari individu yang dapat berkomitmen minimal 2-4 jam per hari dengan semangat pengajaran lintas budaya dan kreativitas yang ‘out of the box’. 

Untuk bergabung silahkan kunjungi situs kami di:


Atau kirim CV dalam bahasa Inggris.

Persyaratan minimum:

  • Mencari karyawan yang bisa bekerja pada hari kerja, Sabtu dan Minggu
  • Diperlukan 1 tahun pengalaman kerja yang relevan untuk posisi ini
  • Visa kerja dibutuhkan untuk posisi ini

Informasi Tambahan Lowongan Kerja

Tingkat Pekerjaan : Tidak Terspesifikasi
Kualifikasi : Tidak terspesifikasi
Pengalaman Kerja :
Jenis Pekerjaan : Paruh Waktu
Spesialisasi Pekerjaan : Pendidikan/Pelatihan, Pelatihan & Pengembangan / 507, 121

Informasi perusahaan Pemberi Kerja, International Humanity Foundation Bali Center ( IHF )

Be a Voluntourist in Kenya, Thailand or Indonesia! The International Humanity Foundation is looking for volunteers to serve at our orphanage and education centre in Kenya, Thailand and Indonesia and to be friends and teachers to our children. By bringing together the disadvantaged children of these countries and volunteers from across the world, there is a learning opportunity for both. As both sides discover more about each other and then teach others what they learned through this exchange, we hope to create a world of greater understanding and compassion. Work Serving as a voluntourist is an amazing learning opportunity, both about the challenges of poverty and the workings of an international non-profit organization. Through one-on-one time with the children, you will learn intimately about the international issues of education, human rights, abuse and poverty. Depending on the center you serve at, you will also learn about local issues such as tribal rights, land ownership, citizen status and tribal conflicts. Work is tailored to the age of the voluntourists. Young children are encouraged to simply play with our children while teens and adults may be expected to teach classes and lead unique activities. IHF needs people with all skills. No matter your experience, whether a student or retired professional, IHF needs you. The centre host English, computer and math classes, and the children often seek tutoring for their homework, all tasks which volunteers take part in. You may also choose to participate in international work in the administration of IHF which will teach you how an international non-profit operates on a day-to-day basis. It is important to note that these are intensive experiences. Once at the center, IHF requires its voluntourists to work four hours a day at the center, six day a week. There is time to sightsee and tour the nation, but work is always the first priority. IHF depends on its volunteers to function and to love the children. If you are not prepared to devote this time to work, you should look elsewhere for your service experience. Cost: IHF is committed to offering a flexible, affordable service experience. There is no application fee, and the weekly fees for individuals are USD $150 and for couples and families only USD $200 to cover the costs for their room and board, both very simple, at the center. Only married couples and immediate family will be allowed to room together due to strict cultural codes. Volunteer Type: Building schools, community development, childcare/children, culture, curriculum planning, disability issues, economic development education, English teaching, health, health care, health education, homelessness, hospital, housing, human rights, literacy, marketing, medicine, nutrition, orphans, popular education, primary education, street kids, teaching, women, water, writing, youth, youth development, academic reinforcement, AIDS/HIV, appropriate technology Typical Volunteer: Our volunteers have a passion for immersion in foreign cultures, an openness to new experiences and flexible approach to work. At our centres they will work with local staff and directly with the local population in conditions very different from the Western world. Special projects constantly arise, from moving food during famine feeds to monitoring children during breaks. Our volunteers have a lot of say in what they do and designing projects as long as it is approved by the director and promotes the mission of IHF. Available To Participants: World wide Typical Living Arrangement: Group living Participants Travel: Independently Typically Participants Work: Independently or in groups, depending on site Application Requires: Resume, online application through [email protected]

Informasi Tambahan Perusahaan International Humanity Foundation Bali Center ( IHF )

Ukuran Perusahaan : 51 – 200 pekerja
Waktu Proses Lamaran :
Industri : Organisasi Nirlaba/Pelayanan Sosial/LSM
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain : Asuransi kesehatan, Waktu regular, Senin – Jumat, Kasual (contoh: Kaos)
Lokasi : Jakarta Timur

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